Thursday, March 15, 2012


This is coolbert:

As Bryan Perrett author of "Megiddo 1918: The Last Great Cavalry Victory (Campaign)" or even Jill, Duchess of Hamilton would be quite willing to admit, cavalry on the battlefield was used extensively during the Russian Civil War, 1918-1922.

Megiddo represents the last large scale usage of cavalry in the classical manner, but NOT the last use of cavalry period.

From Inside Soviet Military Intelligence by the Soviet era defector Victor Suvorov [Vladimir Rezun]:

In the sprint of 1918 . . . the diversionary intelligence service came into being. These diversionary detachments reported to the intelligence chiefs of fronts, armies, corps and sometimes divisions and were called the 'cavalry of special assignments'. Formed from the best cavalrymen in the Army, they dressed in the uniform of the enemy and were used to carry out deep raids in the enemy's rear, to take prisoners - - especially staff officers - - to collect information on enemy positions and activities and to undermine and sometimes physically destroy the enemy's command structure . . . In 1920, on the Polish Front, on the staff of the Soviet forces, there was a separate cavalry brigade for 'special assignements' with a strength of more than two thousand cavalrymen,m and this was on top of several regiments and separate squadrons."

Intelligence gathering, diversionary action, etc. There WAS indeed a role for cavalry for the entire duration of the Russian Civil War, that famous commander of the Red Army the theorist Mikhail Frunze in his writings seeing a continued need and role for cavalry even after that era of the Great War..


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