Tuesday, February 28, 2012


This is coolbert:

NOT germane to the blog but interesting nonetheless taken within the context of John Tyler, the disaster of the USS Princeton, the explosion of the "Peacemaker" naval gun, Tyler unscathed and escaping injury. This further thanks to Aish:

"Here's an iinteresting tidbit:  two grandchildren of John Tyler ― America's 10th president who was born in 1790 ― are still alive."

"How is this possible? Here's the math:

At age 63, John Tyler fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler. Then, in his 70s, Lyon Gardiner Tyler fathered the two sons who are still alive today - now both in their 80s, living in Virginia and Tennessee."
. . . .

"John Tyler was William Henry Harrison's vice president ("Tippecanoe and Tyler too"), and took office a month into the term when Harrison caught pneumonia and died. Tyler's main presidential achievement is pushing through the annexation of Texas. But his political career ended ignobly; he later joined the South's secession efforts and was even elected to the Confederate House of Representatives. Because of his Confederate ties, Tyler's is the only presidential death not officially mourned."

NOW you have the rest of the story. There is a synchronicity at work here believe me!

"synchronicity -  n. an  apparently meaningful coincidence in time of two or more similar or identical events that are casually unrelated."


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