Sunday, February 19, 2012


This is coolbert:

Thanks to the English Daily Mail Online we have very rare color photographs from the time just before and after the landings at Normandy, World War Two [WW2]!

"Life on the front lines: Extremely rare colour photos of U.S. troops before and after D-Day show World War II in brand new light"

"Extremely rare and striking photos of the days leading up to and after the historic D-Day invasion have been put on display, nearly 70 years after World War II's dramatic turning point."

My selections with comments:

This is St. Lo France. The scene of much combat action between the attacking American and the defending German. Frenzied fighting the results of which speak for the themselves. Damage as reminiscent of the recent tsunami in Japan or the F5 tornado that struck and destroyed Joplin, Missouri, USA!!

Perhaps my eyes deceive me but that is a captured German Kubelwagen? Journalists in the European Theatre of Operations [ETO] had the official status of an officer with appropriate respect being given by all parties.

An American P-47 Thunderbolt being prepared for further action. Recall that one reason Normandy was chosen for the allied landing and not the Pas de Calais is that the soil of Normandy is more conducive to the construction of field expedient air strips to be used by tactical aviation flying in the close air support [CAS] role.


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