Thursday, February 9, 2012

Think Pink!

This is coolbert:

From the prior blog entry:

"That debate over women in combat was ended long time ago? Unbeknownst to the American public and unappreciated, for some time now U.S. military women have been an integral part of the American nuclear deterrent? This qualifies as COMBAT DUTY EVEN IF WAY UNDERGROUND?"

Those American Air Force female officers, "manning" the underground bunkers and command firing positions of the Minuteman III intercontinental missile deterrent,  initiating the launch sequence and sending and ICBM "on the way" ten nuclear warheads on-board, ARE DOING COMBAT DUTY EVEN DURING A TIME OF PEACE?

Surely we all realize that in case of the worst scenario materializing, the threat of global thermonuclear war made manifest, those women in the underground silo and command post are in grave mortal danger, overt hostilities making those American ICBM sites the number one target for destruction by incoming hostile missiles from whomever the aggressor may be.

And even during a time prior to OVERT HOSTILITIES, Malmstron AFB and the environs, those various Minuteman III in the silo and command posts "manned" by the women "missile men" are also subject to and will be the targets of what is referred to as "pink terror"!!

"Pink terror" as engaged in by the ranger/commando/special operations units of the Soviet spetsnaz! Soviet special purpose troops the primary mission of which in those very few hours prior to the commencement of OVERT HOSTILITIES attempting to destroy in situ as much of the U.S. military atomic arsenal as possible. As described by the Soviet defector Victor Suvorov, the spetsnaz using a variety of means to render the American nuclear threat and deterrent null and void. INCLUDING THE KILLING OF ALL AND ANY PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITH ATOMIC WEAPONRY, THOSE PILOTS IN COMMAND OF STRATEGIC BOMBER AIRCRAFT AND I WOULD HAVE TO ASSUME THOSE WOMEN "MANNING" UNDERGROUND BUNKERS AND CHARGED WITH INITIATING THE MISSILE FIRING SEQUENCE!!

During that period of "pink terror" combat as we understand that term is not merely theoretical, it is real and very much so, to the death not only for the various participants but also with the potentiality for death of an entire society and nation as well!! Such a threat exists, even to this day?

American military women doing yeoman duty and in the forefront of where the action will be, that day we hope never comes!


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