Monday, February 13, 2012


This is coolbert:

From the web site: "Fred on Everything" we have extracts acerbic but nonetheless pertinent and germane as contained in a recent article by Fred entitled: "Advice to a Generic Candidate - - Fred to Change Course of History"

Questions addressed to the current President and Secretary of Defense [SECDEF] and also to those Republican aspirants desiring to be President, those currently involved in the primary campaigns being so closely followed by the main-stream-media [MSM]:

"To save the republic, if any, from another routine military disaster, I offer the following thoughts."

"To begin, I will ask the following questions of the candidates, and for that matter of Mr. Obama, and of the Secretary of Defense, a generic bureaucrat."

"Can you explain: Convergence zones, base bleed, Kursk, range-gate pull-off, artillery at Dien Bien Phu, IR cross-over, Tet and queen sacrifice, Brahmos 2, CIWIS, supercruise, side-lobe penetration, seven-eighty-twice gear, super-cavitating torpedoes, phased arrays, pulse Doppler, the width of Hormuz versus the range of Iranian cruise missiles, DU, discarding sabot, frequency agility, Chobham armor, and pseudo-random PRF?"

"These, gentlemen, are the small talk of serious students of the military . . . If you are unfamiliar with them, and with the things listed above, you are unfamiliar with the military. Yet you campaign for possession of the trigger."

"Unfamiliar with the military. Yet you campaign for possession of the trigger."

Fred is suggesting that those persons either already President or in the running to be elected President of the USA must be at least conversant in such matters? Some items as listed by Fred indeed having been at one time or another actual subject matter of blog entries to include:

* Kursk. [the WW2 battle or the sunken submarine Fred is not clear on this matter.]
* Artillery at Dien Bien Phu.
* BrahMos2. [correctly referred to as BrahMos and not Brahmos.]
* Super-cavitating torpedoes.
* Width of Hormuz. [the strait thereof]
* DU. [depleted uranium.]
* Sabot. [say-bow]

Fred is somewhat overboard here? That persons occupying the office the President, USA does NOT necessarily have be either so totally conversant or knowledgeable in military affairs as Fred would desire? The President must not necessarily be an expert in a particular subject matter but rather AN EXPERT AT CHOOSING EXPERTS! That President an expert at choosing experts and able to make sound, reasonable and thoughtful decisions based upon the advice of those experts! That man chosen by the electorate as constitutionally mandated Commander-in-Chief his military expertise or lack thereof only one consideration among many as taken into account by the voters!!


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