Friday, February 3, 2012


This is coolbert:

Here one more senior military commander wounded numerous times while leading his troops forward into battle, returning to the fray repeatedly heedless of injury, most exemplary conduct and unexpected heroism almost without peer or parallel.

Robert Frederick. Commander of the combined American/Canadian First Special Service Forces [FSSF]. The FSSF also known as the Devil's Brigade.

"Robert Tryon Frederick . . . was a highly decorated American combat commander during World War II"

Frederick a combat commander of ranger/commando/special operations/parachute troops during the Second World War [WW2] wounded no less than eight times, twice on one day. Commanding at ever increasing echelons promotions rapid, repeated and deserved.

It was said of Frederick: "'the greatest fighting general of all time' . . . 'if we had had a dozen more like him we would have smashed Hitler in 1942'".- - Winston S. Churchill.

Frederick belonging to a very select group of fighting senior officers whose battlefield exploits and courage are most admirable. Senior commanders to include:

* Hyazinth von Strachwitz.
* Bernard Freyberg.
* Oskar Dirlewanger.

Some may question my inclusion of Oskar Dirlewanger in such esteemed company. The very name Dirlewanger will always be associated with atrocity and uncivilized behavior. Nonetheless it cannot be denied that Dirlewanger was also a combat commander of repute, leading from the front, wounded eleven times, unquestionably brave, lunatic almost.

Devoted readers to the blog are aware of other men, senior military commanders, the repeated wounding of which did not prevent their returning to the "fray". I await comments.


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