Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This is coolbert:

Thanks to we have some info on cyber attack/war as being waged against a variety of nations - - to include:

* Canada.
* Japan.
* England.
* USA.

1. "Ottawa warned about hackers weeks before crippling cyber attack: CSIS report" [Canada]

"Canada's spy agency warned the government that federal departments were under assault from rogue hackers just weeks before an attack crippled key computers."

2. "Director of GCHQ warns cyber crime has reached "disturbing" levels" [England]

"Cyber attacks on the Government, the public and industry have reached 'disturbing' levels, according to the director of Britain's biggest intelligence agency."

3. "Cyber-attack from server in China targets Lower House" [Japan]

"A cyber-attack mounted from a server in China apparently stole user ID codes and passwords of Lower House members and their secretaries who use the chamber's computer network, The Asahi Shimbun has learned."

4. "U.S. National Security Agency helps Wall Street battle hackers" [USA]

"The National Security Agency, a secretive arm of the U.S. military, has begun providing Wall Street banks with intelligence on foreign hackers, a sign of growing U.S. fears of financial sabotage."

And in a more generic sense, the "Son of Stuxnet" has now made an appearance. Someone, their identity unknown has now cloned the Stuxnet malware - - the "worm" having now been introduced into computers and computer networks that control industrial  processes? So far confined to Europe? This particular malware, using portions in entirety evidently copied from Stuxnet, called DUQU!

"Son of Stuxnet? Researchers Warn of Coming Cyber Attack"

"A new computer virus using 'nearly identical' parts of the cyber superweapon Stuxnet has been detected on computer systems in Europe and is believed to be a precursor to a new Stuxnet-like attack, a major U.S.-based cyber security company said today."

And from National Public Radio read and hear this item from TODAY regarding the danger from DUQU:

"Stuxnet Raises 'Blowback' Risk In Cyberwar"

"The sophistication and complexity of the Stuxnet worm has led researchers to believe that only a well-resourced nation-state could have developed it."

Duqu is retaliation? The Iranian has cloned or merely copied portions of Stuxnet and introduced in a way very surreptitious - - at this stage the malware observing and NOT doing damage! NOT YET doing damage but having the capability to do so!

Very scary!


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