Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is coolbert:

Here with some bio-warfare items in the  news recently.

Thanks to USA Today and the LA Times.

1. "Army curbs prescriptions of anti-malaria drug"

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Almost four decades after inventing a potent anti-malarial drug, the U.S. Army has pushed it to the back of its medicine cabinet.

For four decades the U.S. Army developed and patented anti-malaria drug used extensively up-to-now being quietly and with a degree of slowness being removed from usage. The drug effective BUT THOUGHT TO ALSO PRODUCE AS A SIDE-EFFECT DANGEROUS PSYCHOTIC TENDENCIES!! It need not be said that a soldier armed with an assault rifle and four hand grenades suffering from psychotic tendencies is a big danger to everyone!

"it works in areas where mosquitoes developed resistance to an earlier treatment, chloroquine, and requires just one tablet a week, not the daily dose needed with other medications."

"Some users complained the pill caused varying degrees of psychiatric symptoms ranging from nightmares, depression and paranoia to auditory hallucinations and complete mental breakdowns"

Personal note: Stationed in Korea over forty years now, during the summer we had to take a daily anti-malaria drug once per day. This may have been chloroquine a treatment as a prophylactic - -  SUCH TREATMENTS IN THE MILITARY LEGALLY OBLIGATORY!!

Malaria is the greatest single scourge on the planet without question? About half of the human population during the last 200,000 years [that is about 100 billion persons] have died directly from malaria or the complications thereof!!

2. "Cost, need questioned in $433-million smallpox drug deal"

"A company controlled by a longtime political donor [Mr. Ronald O. Perelman a long-time massive donor to the Democratic party, USA] gets a no-bid contract to supply an experimental remedy for a threat that may not exist."

"Siga's drug, an antiviral pill called ST-246, would be used to treat people who were diagnosed with smallpox too late for the vaccine to help. Yet the new drug cannot be tested for effectiveness in people because of ethical constraints — and no one knows whether animal testing could prove it would work in humans."

This ST-246 is not the normal smallpox vaccine or an improved variant thereof, but is administered to those patients that have become infected and are in risk of death, already showing symptoms of the disease.

One-third [1/3 of those persons historically contracting smallpox perishing, the illness also until relatively recently another terrible scourge upon mankind.

Recall too the brouhaha that was the case in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. The thought was that the entire American population of 300 million persons should be immediately be vaccinated against smallpox, even those medical professionals knowing that such a massive vaccination program would result in the deaths of about 300 people. About one in 1 million souls dying merely from the vaccine itself, a heart attack the cause of death!

The threat of bio-attack by terrorist entities is now felt to be nil, or so negligible and diminished that measures such as inoculating the entire American populace is not necessary? I cannot say.


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