Friday, November 18, 2011


This is coolbert:

Thanks to the DEBKAfile newsletter from only today we have many items which seem to indicate that events as occurring in the Middle East region are reaching a fever pitch, the concern with the Iranian nuclear threat now at a "boiling point" in a manner that is disturbing. You judge yourself from the headlines.

1. The BIG BANG!

"Iran loses its top missile expert in Guards base explosions"

"12 Nov. Brig. Hassan Moghadam, head of Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) missile development and sections of its nuclear program, was killed in the consecutive explosions that hit two IRGC bases 46 kilometers west of Tehran Saturday, Nov. 12 . . . Our [DEBKA] sources report increasing evidence that the first explosion was caused by a failed effort to mount a nuclear warhead on a missile. It was powerful enough to shatter windows and damage shops in Tehran.

2. Murder most terrible!

"Senior Iranian's son murdered by same method as Hamas' Mabhouh"

"13 Nov. Shortly after explosions rocked Iranian Revolutionary Guards bases near Tehran Saturday, Nov. 12, Ahmed Rezaie, 31, was found dead in Dubai's Gloria Hotel. He was the the son of a high-ranking Iranian official, Mohsen Rezaie, secretary of the powerful Expediency Council and former IRGC commander. The cause of his death strongly resembled the method by which Hamas' contact man with Tehran, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, was slain on Jan. 19, 2010 in another Dubai hotelinjected with a muscle relaxant and smothered with a pillow."

3. Barak speaks - - you should listen.

"Barak: Iran is testing uranium- and plutonium-based bombs – not tactical nuclear arms"

"17 Nov. Defense Minister Ehud Barak told the PBS interviewer Charlie Rose Wednesday, Nov. 16 that none of the experiments Iran was conducting was based on a neutron source. "It's always simultaneous explosions on heavy metals and certain other activities which cannot be explained," he said. DEBKA's military sources note his stress on the lack of evidence that Iran was trying to develop tactical neutron bombs. Tehran, he said, was experimenting with uranium- and plutonium- based explosives, meaning large nuclear bombs rather than small, tactical warheads."

With regard to item # 3 I first thought that what was being referred to was the "dirty bomb", a  missile warhead conventional in nature but showering the adversary when exploding with nuclear radioactive debris and NOT detonating as an atomic explosive, Hiroshima style. I am wrong?

The noted blogger Spengler describes DEBKA as being unreliable under all circumstances. I remain unconvinced this is totally true! Again, as with all things DEBKA you must judge for yourself and please do so!


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