Monday, November 7, 2011


This is coolbert:

From the previous blog entry, thanks to the Daily Mail again we have this comment:

"Plus targeting has to be MUCH more accurate and in real-time compared to if using an high-explosive warhead (that can be programmed to detonate in proximity to the target...not needing a direct hit). If either or both the weapon and the target are moving, this becomes very problematical even with current generation computers and sensors when you start talking about high rates of fire. ------------------ WEREFEAT said, "Sooo, an automatic version could fire 1 round per second?"

Targeting with this railgun will be over the horizon [OTH] and at a far distant. Way beyond the range of current naval guns in existence or even in the past, by about a factor of TEN! And accuracy is important of course. Merely being able to fire at such an immense distance at such a high velocity means little IF YOU CANNOT HIT THE TARGET!! This is obvious and intuitive to even the most casual of observers?

This current railgun projective only is of seven pound weight [slightly over three kilograms] and will have to have some sort of GPS guidance, targeting info prior to firing, terminal guidance using electro-optical sensors, etc. Targeting and guidance onto target part of entire system, a scheme involving drones, satellites, radars, GPS, etc.

That high rate of fire, one round per second is pie-in-the-sky! But so once was the original concept of the railgun - - at least until now.

As from the Battle of Jutland we have too the gunnery accuracy of the fleets in action, Grand Fleet and High Seas both: "Damage to major ships at the Battle of Jutland"

The German was thought to possess for a variety of reasons the superior gunnery, but this is questionable? Those figures indicate that for BOTH fleets the number of hits per rounds fire was POOR to say the least! Or is that what might have been reasonably expected in the first place? Existing at Jutland was a literal "fog of war". Conditions of visibility far less than favorable, you can only hit what you can see and adjustments were difficult in the extreme!

And from this web site we have somewhat contradictory figures [?] regarding the gunnery as compared - - British and German:

"Battle of Jutland Outcome

The German firing about 3,600 heavy rounds with 120 hits, the English firing about 4,600 heavy rounds with 100 hits!

You take it from there!


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