Sunday, October 30, 2011

War Hammer!

This is coolbert:

See at the Cold Steel web site the war hammer as can be purchased. NOT a toy but a replica of that weapon as would have been found among the arsenal of the Polish Winged Hussar cavalry in the Seventeenth Century [1600's].

That handle is 30 inches [76 cm.] long.

Those Polish cavalry troops at the time the BEST soldiers in the world? Poland during that era can be considered to have been a major power or even a super-power?

The Winged Hussars each and everyone carrying as part of their standard battle kit a melange' of weaponry to include:

* Lance.
* Six foot [two meter] rapier.
* Pistols.
* Muskets.
* Bow and arrows.
* Sabre.

[that six foot [2 meter] long rapier peculiar and unique to the Winged Hussar!]


* War hammer.

Polish Winged Hussars carrying out thousand [1,000] kilometer [600 mile] long cavalry sweeps, attempting to "cut sign" looking for the trail as would have been left by Tartar slave raiders. Pursuing when found and engaging in battle same. The Poles noted for their protection against the "eastern" threat and defenders of Christianity!

Quoting in entirety  from the Cold Steel web site:

"At the end of the 13th century, the sword ruled supreme as the primary weapon of Knights and Men-At-Arms. However, with the introduction of steel plate armor, the popularity of the sword as a battlefield weapon began to wane. You see, the problem was the sword couldn't cut or crush steel plate and had to be specially designed for use only as a thrusting weapon if it was to have even a chance at piercing plate armor. Enter the War Hammer- an ideal weapon for use against an opponent who is encased in plate steel. The heavy hammer head could crush the strongest helmet or suit of plate armor with just a few blows and the back spike could rip through helm and plate like a modern can opener! In battle, the hammer side was usually employed first to knock down and stun an enemy. Once he was on the ground, helpless, the hammer was reversed and the back spike was used to punch a hole through the helmet and deliver the coup de grace."

That blunt end of the war hammer used to stun your opponent, the spiked end used to penetrate armor plate.

Please view too the embedded YouTube video that accompanies the web site. That is Lynn Thompson  [the man with the tie on] the company President of Cold Steel personally demonstrating the effectiveness of the war hammer against a metal breast plate. Incidentally that breast plate is the type of armor as would be worn by a Winged Hussar!

Bang, bang, smash em' up your dead!! And remember, that hammer is NOT a toy!


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