Saturday, October 29, 2011


This is coolbert:

This is the type of thing that the British Admiral Parry took notice of [?] when he did his intelligence preparation of the battlefield [IPB] done on a macro scale, the entire world the "battlefield".

Parry predicting that the world order as we know it will begin to break apart beginning in the year 2012 or so. Break apart from a variety of factors - - to include what is described as "skewed gender ratios"!

Societies the number of young men [bachelors] greater by a degree than the number of young women eligible as brides, mates, spouses.

Societies where that number of young men UNABLE to find suitable mates creating a dangerous and volatile situation.

"Population to hit seven billion: experts warn of 'bachelor nations'"

"As the global population hits seven billion, experts are warning that skewed gender ratios could fuel the emergence of volatile 'bachelor nations' driven by an aggressive competition for brides."

The normal and biologically standard gender ratio being:

"an unbending biological standard for the sex ratio at birth of 104-106 males to every 100 females"

Skewed gender ratios, the number of young men as compared to young women mostly an Asian phenomenon, but NOW a trend spreading:

"In India and Vietnam the figure is around 112 boys for every 100 girls. In China it is almost 120 to 100 – and in some places higher than 130"

"the trend is spreading: to regions like the South Caucasus, where Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia all post birth ratios of more than 115 to 100, and further west to Serbia and Bosnia."

Those vast numbers of randy and violent young men without mates where ever found posing a security threat internally and externally?

"Asian countries with too many men posed [pose] a security threat to the West."

"High-sex-ratio societies are governable only by authoritarian regimes capable of suppressing violence at home and exporting it abroad through colonisation or war,"

Suppression of violence at home by use of the death penalty on a wide scale. WAR and aggression against neighboring nations and even further abroad creating an outlet for all those young men, bride-less and angry, filled with hate and violent tendencies.

Don't mess with mother nature!!


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