Sunday, September 4, 2011


This is coolbert:

Before there was Amerika, there was Ural.

1. The Ural bomber.

The Ju-89. A strategic four-engine Luftwaffe warplane capable of long-range bombardment missions.

Designed to strike those Soviet war munitions facilities and factories located EAST of the Ural mountains.

Soviet HEAVY industry in a pre-determined manner positioned EAST of the Ural mountains PRE-WAR, well beyond the reach of any and all existing German bomber aircraft, those Junker and Dornier airplanes devoted to bombing missions in support of the ground forces [Wehrmacht] NOT capable of ranging far enough eastward to attack STRATEGIC Soviet heavy industry targets! That Soviet munitions industry secure and inviolate!!

"The basic heavy industry, for the most part, was set up to the east of the Urals, deep in the Asian part of the Soviet Union."

The Ju-89 being seen originally as a solution to the strategic bombardment mission, NEVER coming into fruition, the most senior Luftwaffe commanders rather conceptualizing their air force as having a primary role of "flying artillery", supporting the German army during a blitzkrieg offensive!! The shorter-range two-engine bomber aircraft greatly favored over the longer-range four-engine warplane!

2. This ALSO! The Soviet munitions and armaments able to move in very rapid manner those "light and more sophisticated industry . . . located in the European part of the Soviet Union" beyond the reach of the rapidly advancing German ground forces - - 1941. That unexpected and precipitous Wehrmacht advance placing in extreme peril the ability of the Soviet to continue the war on any basis. Entire factories, perhaps numbering in the thousands, manufacturing weaponry for the Red Army, taken apart and moved by rail to that area EAST of the Urals, beyond the reach of German bomber aircraft [2-engine variety}.

"The Dispersal of Soviet Industry in WWII: The Soviet State Defense's Committee's Response to German Invasion."

"However, light and more sophisticated industry was located in the European part of the Soviet Union, which meant well within the grasp of the invading German armies. As soon as the Germans invaded in 1941 the Soviet State Defense committee decided to disassemble and evacuate whole factories from the western areas deep into the heart of the country and reassemble the installations there. It was arguably the most important feat the Soviets achieved in the Second World War in the sense that it facilitated their eventual victory over Germany. The factories were re-established in a matter of weeks and immediately began to produce vast quantities of war material."

"Arguably the most important feat"! Hitler had counted upon the "one swift kick" as being enough to destroy the Soviet Union as an entity. The protracted war that proceeded much to the disfavor and disadvantage of the German. NO long-range bomber aircraft for a bombardment of strategic targets, the war munitions capacity of the adversary [Soviet Union] and NO satisfactory conclusion to the war on terms favorable to the German.


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