Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pseudo III.

This is coolbert:

Pseudo - - conclusion.

Middle East - other.

As can be expected, the use of pseudo units among the various warring parties and combatants in the volatile Middle East is not restricted to merely the Israeli.

Other nations have hit upon this novel and effective concept, the use of impostors, assuming quite effectively the guise of the military adversary, and for a variety of uses, intelligence gathering and other.

1. Iran. 

The Iranian, as has been mentioned in a previous blog entry, evidently have used pseudo units in Iraq. Iranian nationals able to assume the identify of an American soldier, wearing American uniform, carrying American weapons, driving American vehicles, familiar with and able to use American military tactics and techniques.

Iranians able to speak perfect [?] American English and PASS as an American. Ethnic Iranian perhaps even NATIVE BORN AMERICANS THAT HAVE REPATRIATED TO IRAN TO FURTHER THE ISLAMIC CAUSE!

Iranian pseudo units the personnel of which have been known to kill American soldiers and commit atrocity against Iraqi civilians, creating a lot of mayhem in the process, stirring up trouble in a very big way, that being the intention.

2. Jordan. 

Palestinian nationals [?] at the beck and call of Jordanian intelligence, again, able to assume quite well the manner and guise of an Israeli soldier. Wear the uniform, carry the weapon, speaking perfect Hebrew, behave and carry on as would a typical Israeli soldier. All this UNKNOWN TO THE MOSSAD OR AMAN [Israeli military intelligence].

According to the reckoning of the disaffected Israeli Ostrovsky: 

"The soldiers were Palestinians from a special unit of the Jordanian intelligence; they'd been working the West Bank almost from 1968. They had several storage locations with Israeli uniforms and arms and would assist in all kinds of reconnaissance jobs. They worked all over the country, and all of them spoke excellent Hebrew. At first, they were to be used in case of war   . . . the Jordanians . . . decided to use them all the time. The monitored exercises and brought in ample tactical information regarding the front line."

Pseudo! Today, tomorrow, forever. An eternal and valid tactic of use and always will be. Dirty pool to some, not so to others.


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