Friday, September 23, 2011

Pseudo I.

This is coolbert:

Pseudo units/operations.

The British.

It should well be understood that the use of pseudo units such as Phoenix operatives or "Roadrunners" from the era of the Vietnam conflict were not confined to that time or place.

Troops able to impersonate the enemy, impostors able to perform a variety of "behind-the-lines" missions and do so quite successfully. Wear the uniform, carry the weapons, act in the manner of the enemy, and doing so in furtherance of a counter-insurgency mission.

Such was the experience of the British during that period of de-colonization in the aftermath of World War Two [WW2] that pseudo-units became an institutionalized method and means as used by English military and security forces the world over! Pseudo-units and their operations as described in this on-line Atlantic magazine article and interview with the author:

"The Wrong Lesson"

"Our [American] counterinsurgency efforts abroad are starting to resemble the British Empire's. This could mean gains now—and trouble later"

In each and every locale, part and parcel of the British Empire as it existed at the time, pseudo-units with a counter-insurgency mission referred to with a different designation, to include:

Kenya - - "Pseudo-gangs".

Cyprus - - "Q patrols".

 Oman - - "Firqats".

During all of those various colonial conflicts the British army and security apparatus able to employ what are called "draconian methods". Harsh and unremitting actions to combat insurgency/terrorism. NOT mentioned - - but generally as was the case, methods to include the use of INSTITUTIONALIZED TORTURE!!

"Through measures including collective punishment, fines and curfews, detention without trial, expanded capital punishment, censorship, and restrictions on movement"

It should be noted that under international law and covenants regulating the conduct of armed forces during a time of war, pseudo-units are generally illegal, wearing the uniform of the enemy or flying a false flag considered a grave violation - CRIMINAL!


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