Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is coolbert:

Well, you can well imagine that this headline caught my attention right away.

The police commissioner of NYC, Kelly, admitting that the NYPD [New York Police Department], does indeed have an organic anti-aircraft [AAA] capability. Able to shoot down an intruder aircraft that is observed and reasonably thought to be on a terrorist mission, mass destruction against the city and residents of NYC the goal.

And that the authorities of NYC too have thought through the process and protocols in advance if indeed an aerial terrorist mission is detected in progress, NYC the target.

"NYPD Can Take Down Small Planes: Kelly"

"New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly clarified a statement he made that the NYPD could shoot down a plane, adding the department only had the ability to shoot down small planes, like crop dusters."

"Kelly told the television news show '60 Minutes' Sunday that the NYPD had a weapon that could blow a plane out of the sky. It was later identified as a .50-caliber gun that could be affixed to a police helicopter."

"At a news conference on Wednesday, Kelly was asked whether that weapon could take down a commercial aircraft. 'No'"

"[the weapon would be used] only in extreme circumstances and after consulting with the mayor and federal authorities."


* A fifty [.50 inch] machine gun would have the obvious capability to take-down a small private aircraft. This is certain. NOT, however, able to bring down a large commercial airliner however, of the type as was used in the attacks of 9/11 - - WTC!

* Even a shoulder-fired pea-shooter surface-to-air-missile [SAM] say of the Stinger or Soviet/Russian SA-7 variety probably could not bring down a large commercial airliner. An informant of mine says a shoulder-fired SAM would make the plane MORE difficult to fly and steer, beyond that it is a "crap-shoot".

* Prior to 9/11, the authority to shoot-down an aircraft within the airspace of the United States had to come direct from the President. That authority since 9/11 has been delegated, two four-star Air Force general officers NOW can also give the "go" command, the city of New York through vested civil authority ALWAYS having the power to use lethal force if necessary in a proactive manner if threats to the general public are obvious and certain.

Such is the danger and peril to NYC in the ten years now since 9/11. The threat as perceived is real - - no one should minimize the danger NOW and for the foreseeable future. Kelly and the NYPD are on the ball? Let us hope so!


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