Friday, September 16, 2011


This is coolbert:

Israel versus Turkey? SECRET!

From the DEBKAfile some items of interest.

1. "Turkish frigates to confront Israeli vessels, disable their weapons"

"12 Sept. Turkey sharply ratchets up its threat of war with Israel. Three Turkish frigates were ordered to the eastern Mediterranean and instructed to disable Israel military ships if encountered outside Israel's 12-mile territorial waters . . . The Turkish threat applies to the warships enforcing Israel's naval blockade of the Gaza Strip and the vessels protecting its deep sea gas drillings."

2. "Israeli-Greek defense pact invoked versus Turkish naval and air movements"

"15 Sept. Israel and Greece have invoked their new, secret mutual defense pact to counter heavy Turkish sea and air movements in the eastern Mediterranean . . . Israel may gain the new advantage of a military presence at Greek bases"

Israeli ships enforcing the naval blockade of Gaza and also even if beyond the twelve mile limit in open and not territorial waters subject to being fired upon by the Turk? Firing on those Israeli vessels will constitute an act of war and I am sure there will be a response.

Turkey is a member of NATO, and has the capability to invoke Article Five of the NATO charter, obligating all other NATO member nations to come to the common defense!

Cross your fingers and hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.



  1. Now can be said: it was all just talk...Turkey Talk!!

  2. Moran the magnifico, King TurkeyAugust 12, 2013 at 4:26 PM

    Gobble, Gobble! Er-DOG-an doesn't even have the support of his own people!

  3. Moran b eeghuzzar, Turkish Twinkletoes SupremeAugust 24, 2013 at 11:50 AM

    Erdogan, King Twat!
