Sunday, September 18, 2011


This is coolbert:

I had thought there had been resolution here but that is not the case.

Remains thought to be that of Sean Flynn, son of the famous actor Errol Flynn, had been found in Cambodia and positively identified. As was originally reported over a year ago now! But this is most unfortunately NOT so! Sean is still body not recovered [BNR].

"Searchers: Remains of Errol Flynn's son found"

"Photographer Sean Flynn disappeared during Cambodian War"

"PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Forensic tests will be conducted on what two searchers believe are the remains of photographer Sean Flynn, son of Hollywood star Errol Flynn, who disappeared during the Cambodian War 40 years ago, the U.S. Embassy said Monday."

Sean and his colleague last seen on motorbikes in Cambodia seeking out the fighting between the government forces and the Khmer Rouge! Captured by the "Vietnamese Communist forces" and later dealt with summarily - - executed - - BNR!

 "Although it is known that they were captured by Vietnamese Communist forces, it has been suggested that they died in the hands of 'hostile' forces. Citing various government sources, the current consensus is that he (or they) were held captive for over a year before they were killed by Khmer Rouge in June 1971."

"Tests results on the human remains found at the grave site in eastern Kampong Cham province, Cambodia were released on June 30, 2010 and they were found not to be the remains of Sean Flynn."

Sean Flynn had an interesting career going for himself when he met his untimely death. Was NOTED for images, photojournalism of the most sensational type, Sean actively seeking out dangerous situations that quite often make for the most dramatic photographs. "Exceptional" what they are referred to as!

" In a search for exceptional images, he attached himself to Special Forces units and even irregulars operating in remote areas."

Sean did in real life what his father only did in the movies? NOT ONLY doing what he did, but doing it well!


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