Monday, September 5, 2011


This is coolbert:

Here with the latest info on an invention from Sweden, "Adaptiv", that has the ability to cloak and make a tank invisible, at least to conventional thermal imaging equipment.

As heard on the morning TV news today. I share with you after searching the Internet as you can expect in eager anticipation:

"Sweden rolls out invisible infrared tank"

"Pixellated thermal armour cloak conceals or disguises"

"Engineers in Sweden have announced the development of a prototype tank which is covered in 'pixels' that enable it to disappear from thermal images – or to disguise itself as something else."

"The 'Adaptiv' system . . .covers the test vehicle in hexagonal panels whose temperature can be quickly adjusted. The vehicle's own thermal cameras scan the background against which the tank is seen from each aspect, and the system can then adjust the pixels to match, making it very hard to see using thermal imaging systems."

The current generation of thermal imaging gear for targeting as used by the main battle tanks of a whole host of nations will no longer work against a Swedish tank. THEY can see you but YOU cannot see them. For NOW, only in the thermal range of images. For the FUTURE, however, Swedish tanks might even having a "cloaking" mechanism of some sort that distorts and conceals against conventional night vision equipment and perhaps even HUMAN eyesight??

"This might see Adaptiv-clad tanks able to disappear not only in thermal imagers but also, perhaps, nightsights working in the shorter-wavelength infrared bands – or even, perhaps, able to accurately mimic their background even to the human eye in daylight."

This all sounds like something out of Star Trek, Klingon cloaked warships and all that. WAS up until now only the stuff of science-fiction, but NOW to a degree reality. Thermal today - - all forms of vision and images tomorrow!!


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