Saturday, August 20, 2011

Subcommandante Marcos.

This is coolbert:

"the only war worth fighting is a revolutionary war!" - - Homer Lea.

Several topics to be covered with this blog entry:

* The White Messiah complex.
* The amateur versus the professional at warfare.
* The Fourth World War.

All encapsulated in the personage of Subcommandante Marcos.

From a number of years ago now, the Chiapas rebellion.

Ethnic Mayan Indians of Chiapas state, Mexico, rising in armed rebellion against what they perceived was the heavy-handed, corrupt and at times despotic and cruel Mexican central government!

A rebellion the foremost commander was Subcommandante Marcos. The nom de guerre of a man, an outsider, hoping to organize, train, plan, and lead into combat the disaffected and angry Mayan Indian populace of the area. An area of Mexico and a populace that in the mind of Marcos was "ripe for rebellion".

Marcos presenting the photogenic image of the charismatic outsider, the Spanish-speaker whose ancestors and familial background apparently is PURE Spanish lacking even the slightest trace of American Indian admixture. Marcos indeed a WHITE MESSIAH in the image of a T.E. Lawrence, an Orde Wingate, a Brookes Rajah of Sarawak, a Homer Lea, etc. A modern version in REAL-LIFE of the cinematic characters as found in the movie "Last Samurai" or "Avatar".

Marcos too a man by his own admission having NO military background whatsoever, his knowledge of war making gleaned from the U.S. Marine Corps manuals. Marcos a total 100 % amateur!

That Chiapas rebellion initially successful, the guerrillas under Marcos taking to the hills in the aftermath, posing a threat that could not be ignored by the Mexican government. A rebellion eventually leading to peace talks, negotiation, and a settlement that allowed for certain grievances of the Mayan to be satisfied. To that extent, MARCOS AND HIS TROOPS IMPOSED THEIR WILL!!

Marcos also emulating in a sense those military commanders of the Mexican Cristero War from a much earlier era. A pharmacist, a priest and two ranch hands, leaders of a rebellion by the Mexican peasantry in response to again the heavy-handed and oppressive measures of the central government in Mexico City. A rebellion [Cristero] commemorated to this day by the vaqueros and cowboys of the Mexican rural countryside!

It should be noted that Marcos is a self-proclaimed communist, a Marxist, a hater of all things capitalist.

BUT, as an observer of the world scene, from his perspective, and as a strategist, sees world conflict as that term is understood "coming to a head" OVER WORLD FINANCES. Marcos IS able to "see" the forest and not merely the trees. As an amateur and a military leader, able to perceive and conceptualize war and conflict in a manner and with an expertise that is remarkable?

Marcos definitely sees a "Fourth World War" as already being in progress, a global "conflict" of which armed force is merely one aspect!

Marcos undeniably an amateur at the MAKING of war, waging of violence in furtherance of a cause, Marcos also a "philosopher" and a strategist all rolled into one, the gifted and inspired and intuitive commander of some repute that cannot be denied?


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