Monday, August 15, 2011

South China Sea.

This is coolbert:

Thanks to the NHK international English public broadcast television news we have this HOT INTEL FLASH:

Visiting Vietnamese dignitaries pay a courtesy call the to the American aircraft carrier USS George Washington. Vietnamese government officials observing warplane take-offs and landings.

"USS George Washington Visits Vietnam"

"The U.S. aircraft carrier George Washington arrived in international waters off the coast of southern Vietnam Saturday."

"The U.S. Embassy in Vietnam invited representatives from a number of Vietnamese agencies to visit the vessel."

"The delegation flew out to the vessel and were given a tour of the 333-meter-long Nimitz-class carrier."

A good-will visit by the Vietnamese, a courtesy call BUT MUCH MORE THAN THAT?

ONLY three days ago that jump-jet aircraft carrier of the Chinese putting to sea for the first time. The visit of the Washington to Vietnam NOT a coincidence. This we can reasonably infer?

"China’s aircraft carrier sets sail for sea trial"

"Beijing (People's Daily Online)--China's first aircraft carrier, rebuilt from the imported steel platform 'Varyag' from Ukraine, is scheduled to make its maiden voyage for a series of sea trial today."

"The official Xinhua news agency sent a flash early today that the huge carrier sets sail for a testing voyage on Wednesday."

A clear and unmistakable message is being sent by the U.S. to the Chinese? Hands off the South China Sea! The sovereignty of the various nations in the area, the varying claims to the "750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays and islands" such as the Spratly group and contiguous waters are not to be compromised by brute force or intimidation! America has an interest to see that peace is maintained in the area and will back that interest up with force if needed!

Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia can rest assured or at least rest more easily?

Bullies need not apply! American and Vietnam more or less almost forty years after the end of the Vietnam War - - now allies? Who would have thought it!


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