Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ike & George.

This is coolbert:

SECRET [declassified DoD 1958]

Thanks to Michelle of the Eisenhower Library we have more regarding that quotation as attributed to General Eisenhower, from the years of World War Two [WW2]:

"there are only two professions in the world in which the amateur excels the professional. One, military strategy, and two, prostitution." - - Maj. General Dwight David Eisenhower.

1. The veracity of the quote is true, an unqualified true!

2. And more importantly too we understand the context of the quote, and the context is most important.

As was classified SECRET until 1958 from: "the diaries of Capt. Harry C. Butcher who was General Eisenhower's naval aide from 1942 to 1946." Diaries NOW and for some time declassified!

Ike in conversation with his good civilian friend and "crony", George E. Allen. George described as an amiable person at that exact moment engaging in amiable banter with Ike! George the amateur strategist "pontificating" on the military situation in Europe - - almost dire according to the interpretation of George!

From Google books and the notes to Pages 315-320 # 23. "Eisenhower: A Soldier's Life By Carlo D'Este"

"Butcher was pleased that a Friend, George E. Allen, was in London when they arrived. Allen, a wealthy and successful businessman (and a Democrat), became a close friend of Eisenhower. Allen later sold Eisenhower his retirement far at Gettysburg in 1950. A lifelong crony, the amiable Allen was a good bridge partner and one of those whose presence helped make Eisenhower's scant free time tranquil. Allen, said Butcher, was a 'a good tonic for Ike.'"

And further from the diary of Captain Butcher, page 26, courtesy of the Eisenhower Library, thanks again to Michelle:

"George was not averse to giving some military advice. With Rommel pushing toward Cairo, George envisioned the loss of the Suez, plus a joining up with the northern prong of the giant German pincers through Turkey. This would close the Mediterranean, and give Hitler a tremendous advantage. George then foresaw Hitler quickly taking Eire, then sitting back and saying: 'All right boys - I'll starve out England'. George had this all down, chapter and verse. To reply, Ike said he was forced to tell a story. He said there are only two professions in the world in which the amateur excels the professional. One, military strategy, and two, prostitution."

Well, there you have it. Thanks to the Internet and some e-mail, and in rapid fire fashion, authentication and verification of a quotation complete with context.

Perhaps I am being parochial here, but this all makes me want to sit back, admire the product, and say WOW!


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