Saturday, August 6, 2011


This is coolbert:

Alternative comments regarding the DEBKAfile. I often extract and cite material in my blog from DEBKA. The noted blogger Spengler [David P. Goldman] pronounces DEBKA to be totally unreliable as a source of info under all circumstances. So what is the truth? From some skeptics we have:

1. "Debkafile is a complete fraud."

"The information presented by Debkafile has turned out to be unreliable so many times I cannot understand why anyone still takes this website seriously."

"Debkafile claims to be a Zionist 'alternative news' organization but their chief contribution to the world is to spread rumors and speculation that would only appear plausible to the most ignorant (but well meaning) supporters of the Jewish State and/or those prone to believe paranoid Internet conspiracy theories."

2. "DEBKA file a fraud, Mossad agents"

"we have regarded DEBKAfile Intelligence with a skeptical mind, for we believe it is probably run and operated by Israel's Mossad. However, remembering that even the best disinformation specialists provide 90-95% good information, we watch DEBKAfile closely."

[please read the "clubconspiracy" forum and see HOW EASY it was for these folks to determine that this Iranian dissident group, so-called, has an Internet server located on a U.S. military base! Does make you wonder, doesn't it?]

Intelligence analysis is a difficult business and it needs to be realized by all concerned parties that this is so! The analyst is faced with an opposition, an adversary, who is not only taking measures to prevent you from finding out what you want to find out, but is simultaneously feeding in a quite deliberate manner deceptive info intended to deceive you. Separating the wheat from the chaff - - determining what is true and what is not NEVER is or ever has been an easy thing! DEBKA is part deception and part psychological operation all rolled into one? Maybe even DEBKA does not know for sure?


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