Thursday, July 7, 2011

Submarines X.

This is coolbert:

"SUBMARINES SINCE 1919". Conclusion.

Some general comments regarding the modern submarine.

Understood that the modern nuclear powered submarine such as the HMS Astute class is the most complicated thing made by man! A wonderment taken in totality of systems to include the vessel itself, power plant, armaments, electronics, etc.

[prior to the HMS Astute, the American Space Shuttle was the most complicated thing made by man and before that the Iowa class battleship had the honor of most complicated thing made by man!!]

Nuclear propulsion of itself allowing for the modern submarine to operate in a manner unheard of during the era of World War Two [WW2], the nuclear-powered sub now AN ABSOLUTELY TRUE SUBMERSIBLE, NO CONNECTION TO THE SURFACE REQUIRED FOR "AIR-BREATHING"!

Nuclear powered vessels of the American and Soviet/Russian fleets capable of operations at greater depths, at higher speeds, for much longer periods at far greater distances and ranges, sustaining an almost continuous high-speed tempo of underwater maneuver, AT ALL TIMES MORE OR LESS ON A WAR FOOTING!!

That nuclear-powered sub capable also of operations in the arctic, under the ice, not having to surface, oblivious to that environment above the ice, again, sustaining operations in a manner and in a place submarines  normally had avoided at all costs!

Technological advancements NOT totally discouraging further development of the conventional diesel/electric and now air-independent-propulsion [AIP] boats as favored by smaller and less wealthier nations and navies, the demand for such vessels continues. Nuclear under the water does NOT absolutely rule and this should be understood to be so!

 Submarines, even while operating at much greater depths at much higher speeds for much longer periods  , all the while maintaining a very high degree of safe operation - - even exceedingly envious by the standards of pre-war [WW2]! Submarine disasters at one time a common occurrence, now very rare indeed! This is not to say that accidents and disaster DO NOT occur, just they are much less common!

Submarines during the Cold War at one time or another functioning as intelligence gatherers, special operations "delivery vehicles", radar pickets, etc. A whole host of missions for which the sub was felt most ideally suited.

The modern submarine now very hydrodynamic, the shape of the vessel in the form of the tuna fish or the whale, NO MORE DECK GUNS OR AAA [anti-aircraft-artillery] BATTERIES CARRIED! The days of Lothar Arnauld de la Periere are over and long gone!!

The modern submarine also seldom using surface running as was the common mode of operation during WW2. That hydrodynamic efficiency of the modern sub making for poor running conditions unless under the water. While on a mission, submerge as soon as possible, remain so for the duration of the patrol, coming up "to breathe" only if an emergency arises OR at the very end of the voyage!

Those nuclear powers the U.S. and the Soviet Union/Russia employing the submarine as a weapon system with global reach, power projection, those submarines carrying ballistic and cruise missile able to target and fire upon targets far inland, an intercontinental capability of awesome proportions!

Submarines during the Cold War, at least for the super-powers, seen as ideal "platforms" for delivering atomic weapons on target. Atomic warheads as mounted on torpedoes, sea mines, SUBROC, cruise and ballistic missiles. Current American attack submarines NO LONGER carry atomic weaponry!

In contrast to the "pig boats" of the WW2 era, the modern submarine having comparatively capacious and comfortable quarters and amenities as provided for the crew - - some would even suggest palatial in comparison to the circa 1945 submersible.  Missions and patrols quite often of months duration requiring a high degree of efficiency, a live-able atmosphere most important and conducive to maintaining a positive morale among the crew.

Commanders and crew of the modern submarine normally considered a military ELITE - - specially chosen and trained, having a high esprit, proud of their abilities!

Modern submarines able to deploy with and use in combat if the need arises a variety of weapons to include:

* Torpedoes both free-running and wire-guided.
* Sea mines of advanced design.
* Anti-ship missiles.
* Cruise missiles. [as directed at inland targets]
* Ballistic missiles of intermediate and intercontinental range.

Modern submarines using active sonar, passive sonar, hydrophones and acoustics for target acquisition and as a means to "see" their surroundings. NO MORE need to take multiple bearing and ranging on targets using a periscope. That also is a thing of the past, even passe' for the German XXI class of boats during WW2!

Inertial guidance and GPS allowing the modern submariner to navigate and determine his position with great accuracy. Pin-pointing your exact location prior to firing weapons A MUST! The traditional methods of dead reckoning and celestial navigation as taught to mariners for hundreds of years having given way to modern electronic apparatus with a formidable capability!

Modern submarine operations necessitate silent-running and radio silence to be observed, communications with the outside world limited to reception of messages via VLF, ELF, HF and SATCOM modes.

[HF and SATCOM require either a tethered buoy, periscope, or mast to be raised momentarily to the surface, exposing the submarine for a very dangerous "while"]

It can be safely said that the most complicated thing made by man is arguably also the most dangerous and deadly thing made by man? This is self-evident to even the most casual of observers?

The modern submarine, don't leave home without one!


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