Friday, July 1, 2011

Submarines VI.

 This is coolbert:

Continuing with extracts and comments from the magazine: "SUBMARINES SINCE 1919".

Naval mine warfare as conducted by the submarine, in particular those submarines designed especially for waging mine warfare. An aspect of undersea warfare not that much attention of which is paid to?

An asymmetric weapon [the submarine] able to deploy and use in combat an asymmetric weapon [the naval mine]! Naval mine warfare waged OFFENSIVELY AND DONE STEALTHILY!! The mine as an offensive weapon the value of which is not only physical but perhaps even more so in a psychological manner!

"A naval mine is a self-contained explosive device placed in water to destroy surface ships or submarines . . . Naval mines can be used offensively—to hamper enemy shipping movements or lock vessels into a harbour; or defensively—to protect friendly vessels and create 'safe' zones.

"mines attractive to the less powerful belligerent in asymmetric warfare."

"The cost of producing and laying a mine is usually anywhere from 0.5% to 10% of the cost of removing it, and it can take up to 200 times as long to clear a minefield as to lay it."

A minefield of course not being thought as a barrier totally impenetrable. Designed to make your enemy slow down, take protective measures, and cause casualties!

Naval mines - - moored to the bottom - - at the surface or slightly submerged - - acoustic, contact and magnetic and all able to sink an enemy ship with one explosion, unexpected and unanticipated, bothersome  even more so when the delivery of the mine accomplished in a stealthy manner - - by submarine!!

Submarines, carrying naval mines [either externally to the pressure hull or internal] and deploying same in that stealthy manner so particular and unique to a submerged vehicle, the element of surprise most critical and important - - WHERE PREVIOUSLY THERE WAS NO DANGER - - NOW DANGER EXISTS AND WITHOUT WARNING!!

Naval mine warfare as conducted by submarines in an OFFENSIVE MANNER during both World Wars being highly effective, surprisingly so even:

"In 1917/1918 mines had accounted for 49 U-boats, over a quarter of the total sunk"

Modern submarines too, retain an offensive naval mine warfare capability!

Modern naval mines as you might expect hardly comparing or resembling their WW1 and WW2 counter-parts. Much more sophisticated and resembling more than anything else a contained torpedo moored to the bottom of the ocean, with a capability to be placed in position in an inactive state, often during a time of peace [!!], activated and brought to readiness only during a time of war or crisis!

The asymmetric weapon as deployed by an asymmetric weapon of war [the submarine], stealthily, and to be used in a surprise manner when deemed appropriate!! The psychological damage quite often worse than the physical!


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