Saturday, July 30, 2011

Dragon Lady.

This is coolbert:

Here thanks to a web site devoted to the U-2 and SR-71 reconnaissance aircraft, some interesting images of the U-2 with comments:

That U-2 aircraft, first conceived in the early 1950's taking to the air in the mid-1950's, still going strong almost sixty years later, existing in a variety of configurations - - NOT just limited to taking photographs as in the "old" days.

As originally developed [?], the U-2 carrying only cameras taking conventional photographs of ground targets, in the old fashioned manner as was first done during the Great War. The U-2 progressing far beyond that in the years to follow, "pods" and "sensors" proliferating in abundancee, the ability for "reconnaissance" as that word is understood much enhanced. The U-2 still able to take photographs, BUT MUCH MORE THAN THAT! "Reconnaissance" also from what is referred to as "stand-off" distance, not having to violate the airspace of a target.

It also being understood that the ground element of the U-2 missions were an integral part of and very important too! That U-2 from even the earliest days needing a "ground" apparatus able to process the reams of film as if AN INDUSTRIALIZED OPERATION!

That U-2 also flown as a NASA civilian research aircraft, the experimentation pods of which also are indicative of the number and types of payloads that can be carried!

Who says Americans don't make good objects of high quality and marked development any more? Surely the U-2 is an indication of an outstanding engineering expertise unrivalled!


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