Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is coolbert:

One hundred fifty years ago the American Civil War had begun in earnest.

And ONLY now, using modern methods and techniques a much more accurate tally of deaths battlefield and other can be established. The bloodiest war in American history was even more bloody than has been previously estimated. NOT far more but MORE!

Read it all:

"Historian revises estimate of Civil War dead"

"The Civil War — already considered the deadliest conflict in American history — in fact took a toll far more severe than previously estimated."

20 % more to be exact.  And not merely "considered" to be! IS the deadliest and acknowledged to be so!

"the war’s dead numbered about 750,000, an estimate that’s 20 percent higher than the commonly cited figure of 620,000."

And the causes of death primarily were illness and disease and NOT battle death. 2/3 of those perishing during the conflict from either illness or disease, filthiness, etc. Prisoner of war camps of the period extremely bad, entire lots of the captured falling ill and succumbing to sickness!

"'Roughly two out of three men who died in the war died from disease,' . . . 'The war took men from all over the country and brought them all together into camps that became very filthy very quickly.' Deaths resulted from diarrhea, dysentery, measles, typhoid and malaria, among other illnesses." Solider cough, soldier heart, melancholy, poor diet and just plain cramped conditions making things only worse.

Medical treatment for illness, disease, war wounds not only inadequate but quite often exacerbating the condition, CAUSING DEATH IN MANY CASES RATHER THAN HEALING!

The population of the U.S. in 1861 being 31 million persons, that number of war time deaths is just staggering. Previous estimates of war dead were based upon incomplete or missing war records, the southern states in rebellion being particularly poor record keepers.

And entire region of the U.S. also impoverished for many generations, at least one hundred years!

And too, an elite of young men, north and south, dying for their respective cause, promising lives cut short, the ENTIRE NATION INJURED FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS IN A MANNER THAN CANNOT BE CALCULATED!


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