Sunday, June 19, 2011

Cyberwar II.

This is coolbert:

"The US defence department estimates that more than 100 foreign intelligence
 organizations have attempted to break into American networks."

Cyberwarfare II.

"Acts of War"

Again from the BBC we have this report, a much upgraded status of the response to be taken in the aftermath of a "serious" cyber attack against the United States. "Serious' as to mean loss of life from what I read!

Such cyber attacks, cyberwarfare, intrusion into computer networks and systems to cause damage that results in loss of life - - will be treated as an act of war and the response will be appropriate. This as of this month, the decision has been made, the protocols to be taken promulgated, "so let it be written - - so let it be done"!

"US Pentagon to treat cyber-attacks as 'acts of war'"

"The US is set to publish plans that will categorise cyber-attacks as acts of war, the Pentagon says."

"'All necessary means'" [this following:  "an international strategy statement on cyber-security, issued by the White House on 16 May."]

"The US would 'respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country', stated the White House in plain terms."

"'We reserve the right to use all necessary means - diplomatic, informational, military, and economic - as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our nation, our allies, our partners and our interests.'"

So this problem of cyberwarfare is being TAKEN VERY SERIOUSLY! The last time I can recall the words "act of war" being used was from the mid 1970's when Jimmy Carter was President. At that time it was reputed that Soviet ground based lasers were "blinding" those American surveillance satellites that watched for Soviet ICBM launches. The warning of Carter was taken seriously by the Soviet and such events ceased? So it seems.

There does seem to be a heightened awareness of the threat as posed by cyberwarfare! And this awareness is not all that bad, or is it an indication that the means, methods and techniques are now available to wreak havoc on an almost Biblical basis?


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