Sunday, May 29, 2011


This is coolbert:

Here with a very good five-part Internet article from Der Spiegel - - the expulsion in the aftermath of the Second World War [WW2] of those ethnic Germans living is eastern Europe!

A movement of persons on a massive scale - - as many as fourteen million or fifteen million being told TO LEAVE!

A movement in part, persons fleeing the advance of the Red Army, ethnic Germans fearing with good reason the retribution of the Soviet! Post-war, the victorious powers seeking to create nation-states in eastern Europe devoid of ethnic Germans, creating to the greatest extent possible ethnically homogeneous societies.

"A Time of Retribution"

"It has been proven that at least 473,000 people died as they fled or were expelled"

[I  have seen figures that state anywhere from 1 million to 2 million persons perished during these vast movements of people. That near half-million is asserted as "proven"]

"the organized resettlement of Germans and ethnic Germans from Germany's former eastern areas and the Sudetenland began in January 1946. In all, some 14 million Germans lost their homes."

A movement and depopulation on a scale as not seen in Europe in over three hundred years!!

"reminiscent of accounts of the Thirty Years' War, the last in Europe that had seen depopulation on this scale"

When thinking of "war", always consider 1. What led up to the war. 2. The actual fighting of the war, the physical combat. AND 3. What occurred in the aftermath of the war.

It goes without saying [?] that if you win a war you expect the spoils, and if you lose you expect the worst. In this case, the German not only should have expected the worst, they got it!


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