Monday, May 23, 2011


This is coolbert:

“it’s the fastest-growing program in the world.”

Thanks to the recent article in Newsweek, the Pakistani is now reported and believed to be a MAJOR NUCLEAR POWER - - surpassing [?] France and already having exceeded Great Britain in the number of nuclear warheads either fielded, stockpiled or being manufactured. A trend that is only increasing, that large quantity of atomic weaponry far beyond a deterrent capacity? Very much an item of concern indeed!

"Pakistan’s Nuclear Surge"

"Photos obtained by NEWSWEEK reveal a more aggressive buildup than previously known."

In this particular case, civilian satellite imagery obtained by Newsweek. A capability at one time reserved only to the intelligence services of a few select nations around the world.

"Even in the best of times, Pakistan’s nuclear-weapons program warrants alarm . . . new evidence suggests that Pakistan’s nuclear program is barreling ahead at a furious clip."

"According to new commercial-satellite imagery obtained exclusively by NEWSWEEK, Pakistan is aggressively accelerating construction at the Khushab nuclear site . . . Pakistan will soon have a fourth operational reactor, greatly expanding plutonium production for its nuclear-weapons program."

That marked increase in the number of atomic warheads even beyond what might be considered to be a reasonable deterrent capability is a big concern NOT ONLY for the Indian government, but for the rest of the world as well!! Pakistan is fraught with great danger from military coup d'etat, an ineffectual civilian political structure, terrorism, and just plain instability - - all that from what is fast becoming a major world nuclear power!!

That lethal combination does not mix well, atomic bombs and instability! Obvious! Suggestions anyone?


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