Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is coolbert:

Here the latest intel dope regarding the civil war in Libya. Also a ramification from the revolt in Egypt that has hurt the Israeli very badly.

Thanks in this instance to the DEBKAfile.

[the noted blogger David P. Goldman "Spengler" says that DEBKAfile is totally unreliable under all circumstances, not to be trusted. YOU judge! ]

1. Libya. The situation as we know now is NOT going well for the rebels. The Colonel now is on the offensive, the initiative has gone to the despot, with bad results for the insurgents.

"Qaddafi troops regain Zawiyah, most oil towns. Obama names Libya intel panel"

"05 March. "the realization that field intelligence on both sides of the Libyan conflict was too scrappy to serve as a basis for decision-making."

"American military advisers and intelligence officers attached to the Benghazi-based rebels in the east often contradict each other and appear unclear about who is in command of the assorted militias in revolt against the Qaddafi regime."

American intelligence officers and advisers are on the scene in Libya, embedded with the rebels? DEBKAfile has made this assertion before. And no where in the media has this been reported. Presumably Special Forces [SF] types trying to assess the situation, bring order out of chaos, etc.

And this again, this rebellion does not seem to have a leader, was and is spontaneous, "goals" and motivation solely aimed at ousting the dictator, but NO plan to do so!

"Massive Qaddafi offensive east and west opens road to Cyrenaica"

"08 March: Qaddafi's commanders turned the tide of battle in their favor by the following tactic: At the start of the week, they concentrated around the key town of Sirte (Sidra) two armored battalions of T-72 tanks, three battalions of special forces, beefed up by an extra 3,000 tribal fighters flown in from the Sahara and a fleet of dozens of helicopter gunships."

Overwhelming force to be used overwhelmingly, without constraints. SHOOT! Disaster for the rebels.

2. Egypt. Supplies of Egyptian "gas" have been cut-off to Israel. "Gas" - - Israeli highly dependent on this fuel, 40 % of electricity generated by the Egyptian "gas" prior to the overthrow of Mubarak.

"Mubarak faces probe on gas sale to Israel, arrest warrants for Israeli, US partners"

"04 March. The flow of gas to Israel was suspended on Feb. 5 when Hamas blew up the pipeline running through Sinai during the Egyptian uprising . . . Egyptian gas fueled 40 percent of Israel's electricity requirements. In the meantime, world fuel prices have shot up and Israel has been forced to convert its power stations from gas to heavy fuel"

A pipeline blown up by Hamas, that pipeline not to be repaired until this corruption inquiry is completed, and that will take YEARS?

[it is not clear if this is "gas" as natural gas used to fuel power-station generators or the same petrol as used for running cars.]

The watchwords for the various leaders around the world today has to be crisis management and chaos! How true.


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