Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is coolbert:

"innocence is presumed unless found guilty”

Here thanks to Mike through Colonel Craig is the sort of thing that makes you shake your head and say to yourself: "what was the man thinking?"

Senior Marine field grade officer allegedly caught shoplifting. Pilfering minor items of small monetary value! Facing charges, conviction, and possibly worse, an inglorious end to his career!

What was the man thinking?

"24th MEU commanding officer facing larceny charges"

"The commanding officer of Camp Lejeune’s 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit is due in court later this month on misdemeanor larceny charges."

"arrested around 5:15 p.m. Saturday at Walmart on North Marine Boulevard and charged with one count of larceny"

"accused of stealing two printer cartridges and a bottle of STP gas treatment, the stolen goods having a total value of $65.68"

Accused of stealing - - innocent until proven guilty, etc. This is not good.

And reminds me of the case involving BG Karpinski! Was in 2003 the senior Military Police officer for Central Command and in charge of the army MP's in Iraq, INCLUDING THE MISCREANTS GUARDING THE PRISONERS AT THE INFAMOUS ABU GHRAIB PRISON!

BG Karpinski too was caught shoplifting! Attempting to carry off from the BX at Mc Dill AFB a bottle of perfume! The one person in charge of catching thieves was herself accused of being a thief!

And we understand fully well THAT THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY OR THE LACK THEREOF! HAS TO DO WITH POWER AND THE ABILITY TO WIELD POWER! A senior officer saying to the world: "I am somebody and can do what I want when I want and world be damned!"

Such an attitude in the mind of a senior military commander is very unsound and downright dangerous? You judge this one. Demonstrative of a warped mentality not to be tolerated!

The Marine Colonel if brought up under charges under UCMJ as a career man will face the option of either a courts martial or resigning? This remains to be seen!


1 comment:

  1. re: "commanding officer ... is due in court later this month on misdemeanor larceny charges"

    Not unexpected given how Officers are selected and advanced in the U.S. Military. Unlike the Wehrmacht where Character, Demonstrated Knowledge ( recurrent testing throughout one's career ), and Objective Evaluation of Performance were used and whose motto was "Better No Officer than a Bad Officer", a policy actually dating from Clausewitz's reforms, the U.S. Military relies on Fitness Reports so officers have to play suck up to one's commanding officer who writes the Fitness Report.

    Read this book to understand the problem: The Path To Victory: America's Army and the Revolution in Human Affairs [Hardcover]
    Donald Vandergriff, Publisher: Presidio Press (April 5, 2002),
    ISBN-10: 0891417664
    ISBN-13: 978-0891417668
