Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Kalmyks in Paris"

This is coolbert:

"To Paris by camel!"

"Another nation, fiercely independent and associated traditionally
with the Russian cavalry, was the Kalmuck . . . German writers,
are almost unanimous in their statements that the Kalmucks were
the most loyal and the most efficient of all the Russian peoples
who volunteered to serve with the Germans"

From another web site, another person having a fascination with the Kalmuck ethnic group. Asians [Orientals] and Buddhists having settled originally in that area just north of the Caspian Sea.

At one time nomadic pastoralists, following the Euro-Asian steppe land "highway" that runs east-west from the Ukraine to Mongolia, almost all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

An Asian people practicing a religion alien to the region [Europe], establishing themselves as an indigenous people to the area.

See my previous blog entry on the Kalmucks.

"Kalmyks at the fall of Paris"

The Kalmuck people having a very long warrior tradition, a decided martial tradition, in the manner of the Cossack. Participating for instance in the successful allied campaign against Napoleon [1814], Kalmuck regiments of cavalry entering Paris complete with camel train!

"Kalmyk regiments participated in a number of the large-scale battles of the Patriotic War (Borodino, Leipzig’s Battle of the Peoples, etc.) and in the foreign campaign. On March 19, 1814, Kalmyk regiments No. 1 and 2 entered Paris along with the Russian Army’s vanguard. … As many as 216 Kalmyks received silver medals for capturing Paris."

"The broad Oirat faces and steppe-weathered garb on promenade must have sent a chill . . . down the spines of their onlookers. So striking were these Bactrian-mounted cavalrymen that teen-aged witness Honoré de Balzac could not help but pen the short story 'Kalmyks in Paris'"

The Kalmucks ride horses into battle! Those camels [The Bactrian two-hump version] must have part of the baggage train, carrying supplies, etc.

Those interested can go to the Axis History web site and read further on the Kalmucks and their role in World War Two, fighting on the side of the German against Soviet rule. An extract, you can scroll down to see, from Clement [a Frenchman], that text taken from a web site devoted to "Adolf Hitler research".

That research containing fascist doggerel such as: [their words, not mine!]

"Stalinist [Jewish-Bolshevik] rule"

"the [Jewish] Communist"

"Jewish-led onslaught"


"Kalmuck Cavalry Corps"

A total of around 3,000 horsemen, cavalry, fighting on the side of the German against the Soviet, acquitting themselves with a lot of honor, very good fighters, not to be trifled with! Riding their native panje horses into battle, probably accompanied by a camel-borne baggage train! UNDER THE COMMAND OF A GERMAN OFFICER GOING BY THE NAME OF DR. OTTO DOLL! Reputedly the only German officer that could speak Tibetan!

"The story of the Kalmuck volunteers is extremely fascinating, not only because the Nazis had allegedly seen these people as 'Untermenschen,' [lesser people] but, more importantly, because they were ardent followers of their own religion and steadfast way of life, which found itself somewhat in opposition to National Socialism"

Right! Within the doctrines and ideology of National Socialism the Kalmucks were deemed to be INFERIOR PERSONS, NOT EVEN WORTHY OF LIFE! But found to be useful and became to be highly respected, as were various other Soviet nationalities that took sides and fought with the German!

The Kalmuck people, opposed to communism as they were and presumably are, now dispersed throughout the world, including New Jersey, USA!

The 20th Century, the two world wars, and the various totalitarian regimes have not been kind to such folks as the Kalmucks. May they thrive in their new homes, where ever they may be!


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