Monday, January 24, 2011

Les Frenchmen!

This is coolbert:

Here with more military art.

Similar to but not exactly the same as the military sketch art of Seppings-Wright or Xavier Pick.

What is called French Foreign Legion [FFL] "humor"!

"L'humour à la Légion Étrangère"

Thanks to the artist Monsieur Ignace Fiedos, not sure if the man is alive today but thanks all the same. From the era of the First Indo-China War, the FFL playing a key and ultimately futile and costly role in that conflict.

A collection of caricatures of FFL commanders and officers, very well done. NOT in a hostile or mocking way, but just what they are, a humorous and good-natured caricature.

For whatever reason, am I imagining this or what,
but many officers in the FFL are bespectacled?
NOT always presenting the military image as
combat arms soldiers but nonetheless those
French commanders usually the most adept,
best trained, highly-motivated!

And cartoons also of a humorous nature, again, good-natured and quite true to life in some instances.

Perhaps the most famous French aviator and
doctor of the conflict, Valerie Andre, would appreciate
this cartoon. Helicopters do often crash from
paper, tape, hats, etc., sucked up into the
engine or wrapping around the rotor!

Tres bien Monsieur Ignace, and thank you. Devoted readers to blog see it all and enjoy!


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