Friday, January 7, 2011


This is coolbert:

From only yesterday, from several sources, the latest fragmentary for the time being dope on a "stealth" fighter plane being developed by China. A threat to American dominance of the airspace in time of war? A prototype merely seen taxiing on the runway and nothing more yet?

This is the J-20!

1. "China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Meant to Counter F-22, F-35, U.S. Navy Says"

"A Chinese J-20 stealth fighter prepares for a taxiing test at an airfield in Chengdu . . . China’s new stealth fighter likely was designed 'to counter' the U.S. F-22 and F-35 jets, according to U.S. Navy intelligence analysts.

"Photos of the J-20 aircraft have appeared on the Internet. Aviation Week & Space Technology reported Jan. 3 that the aircraft was in runway tests as a prelude to a first test flight."

2. "J-20 stealth fighter photos: Did China leak them intentionally?"

"J-20 stealth fighter photos have appeared on Chinese websites, suggesting that the leaks of images of what could be China's first stealth fighter jet are a calculated moved by the traditionally secretive People's Liberation Army."

Chinese aviation technology - - however, has a glaring problem as of yet NOT solved. High performance indigenous jet engine designs is lacking. "Imported" Russian technology currently the propulsion system of choice.

"China's aviation industry — both military and civilian — has made rapid progress in recent years but still relies heavily on imported technology. Propulsion technology has been a particular problem, with Russian engines still employed on China's homemade J-10 fighter jets and the J-11"

3. From the Chicago Tribune today, this article: "China's might on U.S. radar".

"A 2009 study by the RAND Corp. asserts that,
based on current trends, the U.S. would lose
a military conflict with China over Taiwan by 2020.
A war game by an Australian think tank confirmed
that finding, assessing that the volume of Chinese planes
would overwhelm U.S. forces, according to
Aviation Week magazine."

All the J-20 can do right now is taxi. And "teething" problems are as always a difficulty with such advanced technology. That American F-22 is a land-based aircraft also, NOT carrier based. The F-35 will be by 2020 deployed with the fleet, but in what numbers? Don't be running to the toilet yet!



  1. The bigger story, entirely ignored by the mainstream press, is the deployment of the Chengdu J-10, which was developed with Israeli assistance from technology developed for the Lavi fighter.

    Naval and aerospace weaponry are and have always been America's qualitative and decisive "edge", and any threat thereto should be a matter of the most urgent national attention.


  2. Interesting. With the tremendous economic growth and population of China, they will become the second military power in the world, and perhaps the first. Lets hope we can keep our current good relations and improve them over time.
