Monday, December 27, 2010


This is coolbert:

Thanks to a comment to the Military Analysis blog, we have a link to another blog - - devoted strictly to the topic of the State Defense Forces [SDF]:

"Militia, Zombies and Cheese"

"Pertinent and impertinent commentary on the state of the various State Defense Forces."

"Currently, 23 states and territories have modern militias. As of 2005, these militias had a force strength of approximately 14,000 individuals nationwide"

ALL states and territories need these military entities. WHY don't all states and territories have them now? Seems they are an advantage, a valuable asset both in time of peace and war!

As stressed from an entry - - the SDF units have "two important advantages":

* Able to respond to crisis in a very timely manner, far faster and better than anyone else, AND KNOW THE TERRITORY!

"can be called up quickly and easily in times of need."

* Posse Comitatus restrictions DO NOT apply to SDF units!

"SDFs are exempt from the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits federal military forces from engaging in domestic law enforcement activities within the United States . . . SDFs permit a state military response uninhibited by legal obstacles."

Too bad my home state of Illinois does not have a SDF capacity. I might be tempted to join, health matters not withstanding. The body is weak but the spirit is still strong!


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