Friday, December 31, 2010


This is coolbet:

"the kingdom [Saudi Arabia] no longer
needs to build its own nuclear arsenal
because it has acquired a source of ready
made arms to be available on demand."

Thanks to the Israeli DEBKAfile here is a startling and alarmist headline that make you sit up and take notice instantly.

Saudi Arabia NOW has nuclear weapons on-call, on-demand, courtesy of the Pakistani?

"Pakistan makes two nuclear weapons available to Saudi Arabia"

A retaliatory capability in response, ahead of the game, if and when the Iranian does succeed in developing and fielding their own nuclear arsenal.

"30 Dec. Saudi Arabia has jumped ahead of Iran by obtaining the use of two Pakistani nuclear bombs or guided missile warheads. DEBKAfile's Gulf sources believe the weapons are ready for delivery upon royal summons in Pakistan's nuclear air base at Kamra in the northern district of Attock."

The delivery systems, intermediate-range ballistic missiles, are already in place and only waiting for the warheads to be fitted, if and when needed?

"Already delivered is a quantity of Pakistan's Ghauri-II missile with an extended range of 2,300 kilometers. They are tucked away in silos in the underground city of Al-Sulaiyil, south of the capital Riyadh."

Delivery and deployment can be accomplished in the proverbial heartbeat? The protocols have been agreed upon, the arrangements made, everyone having "made-ready", waiting for the "word"!

"At least two giant Saudi transport planes sporting civilian colors and no insignia are parked permanently at Pakistan's Kamra base with air crews on standby. They will fly the nuclear weapons home upon receipt of a double coded signal from King Abdullah and the Director of General Intelligence Prince Muqrin bin Abdel Aziz. A single signal would not be enough."

[During the Cold War, West Germany had deployed and in the field American Pershing missiles, sans warheads. The atomic warheads during peacetime in American possession, to be GIVEN to the Germans in time of heightened crisis or outright war with the Soviets! A nation having nuclear warheads "on-call" is therefore not without precedent?]


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