Tuesday, December 28, 2010


This is coolbert:

"One of the most charismatic guys you will ever meet in your life.
But, he's very calm, cool and not scary"
- - Noman speaking of Osama bin Laden.

Thanks to a variety of sources and the tip from Robert of JihadWatch we have the pronouncements of Noman Benotman. A one-time jihadist who has now taken the peaceful route, living alive and well in London, "reformed"

Noman Benotman, a/k/a Abu Muhammed Al-Libi [Uncle Muhammed the Libyan].

Noman meeting with and advising Osama to abandon the path of jihad, this all prior to 9/11. Osama NOT anticipating the response of the U.S. to the degree that occurred, full and decisive action on the part of the American military NOT thought to be a "possible" by the leadership of Al Qaeda.

Further decisive intervention and war in Iraq ALSO not even anticipated! Osama having thought the U.S. to be a "paper tiger" without resolve. Such are the perceptions that lead to war and widespread devastation!

"Telling bin Laden that jihad against West was a total failure shocked and upset him: Ex-Libyan jiha"

Read too the "open letter" as written by Noman and addressed to OBL!

"An open letter to Osama bin Laden"

In the Odyssey, the name Noman of course was used by Ulysses to confound the Cyclops. Noman and his group has now abandoned the path of violent jihad? Noman certainly does not seem to be doing badly for a one-time insurrectionist. Even prospering! We are all in the wrong business?


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