Sunday, December 19, 2010


This is coolbert:

Thanks to the Mail Online a description of a laboratory apparatus, a rail gun, that while still is in the experimental stage, offers great promise.

A quantum leap forward for the U.S. Navy in naval gunnery. Allows - - a capability, hitherto impossible, if and when ever deployed.

"The gun that can destroy an enemy 100 miles away and fire bullets at eight times the speed of sound"

"It will obliterate a target 100 miles away through sheer power using a bullet fired at eight times the speed of sound."

"That is, if everything goes according to plan. This super gun has been described as the most powerful in the world after tests at a U.S. Navy firing range."

Right now, only an apparatus, a laboratory experiment, but workable as conceived.

ONLY an experimental apparatus, AWESOME when fired, but NOT to be deployed with the fleet at any time soon.

* Ten years at the least before deployment.
* Over $200 million spent already during development.
* NOT capable in the present form of rapid fire. [5 minutes to charge the apparatus between "shots"!]

Naval gunfire, ship versus ship, mano-a-mano battle at sea, in the old style, has been done away with by the modern naval aviation combat aircraft and the current versions of cruise missiles [Harpoon and Tomahawk]? To that extent, this "gun" will NOT be high on the agenda of the admirals - - NOT cost effective compared to other weapons systems?

Shoot em' up, bang-bang, your dead!


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