Wednesday, December 22, 2010


This is coolbert:

This blog entry is borderline germane? Taken within the context of World Trade Center [WTC] and 9/11, some proper comparisons can be made. Thanks to the Chicago Tribune.

"100 years since Stockyards fire raged"

"Remembering Chicago's 'forgotten tragedy'"

One hundred years ago TODAY, a disastrous fire at the Chicago Union Stockyards, resulting in the deaths of twenty-one [21 firefighters, including the Fire Marshal [the top firefighter in the city, today called the Fire Commissioner].

"killing 21 instantly, including Horan [Fire Marshal]. Three civilians were also crushed."

"The furious fire that raged 100 years ago Wednesday ravaged the . . . Union Stockyards . . . stood as the single greatest loss of professional big-city firefighters in U.S. history until Sept. 11, 2001."

A building a-fire, collapsing, trapping underneath those fighting the blaze, the loss of life horrific, unprecedented, and UNTIL 9/11, NOT surpassed!!

Compare that twenty-one firefighters lost - - 1910 - - with the three hundred forty three [343 lost at WTC, the figures from the latter event [WTC] being just staggering, almost incomprehensible:

" [a total of] 343 New York City Fire Department firefighters [lost], including one FDNY Fire Chaplain, Franciscan Fr. Mychal Judge"

OVER fifteen times as many firefighters lost at WTC, 9/11, than at the second most catastrophic firefighting incident, from 100 years ago now.

That surely places WTC in the proper perspective, does it not?

See here a tribute to all those of the FDNY that died that tragic and never-to-be-forgotten day!

And this too! ONLY today, two Chicago firefighters killed in another building collapse, on the south side, another tragic day for the CFD!


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