Saturday, October 9, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here is the story of "three-star". Another Vietnam War hero wannabee.

NOT a total charlatan, but pretty close.

NOT being indicted for false claims of military valor but for FRAUD! Cheating and de-frauding the government for disability benefits:

"collecting in excess of $30,000 in disability payments in the last three years due to false combat claims;"

"Locals react to Hamilton indictment"

"Michael Delos Hamilton, 67, of Richlands, was indicted Thursday on four counts: giving false accounts to VA officials about top-secret exploits in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, during which he was injured multiple times and saw the deaths of many of his men"

Michael claimed to have been awarded a variety of medals for valor and heroism, all from Vietnam service [strictly TOP SECRET service too!!]:

* Two Navy Crosses.
* Three Silver Stars.
* Five Bronze Stars.
* Eight Purple Hearts.

Michael at least having performed some military service, not exactly during the Vietnam era however:

"Hamilton entered the Marine Corps July 18, 1961, and left the Corps as a private first class at Camp Lejeune on April 30, 1962, having never deployed. His only awards were a rifle qualification badge, good conduct medal and national defense service medal."

There is something wrong with the real military record of Michael? Normally an ordinary enlistment for the Marines has been four years. Michael did not even complete even ONE FULL YEAR OF SERVICE!! And too, being awarded the Good Conduct Medal normally means three continuous years of service without having received a courts martial conviction. Again, something wrong with what is purported to be the true record.

Michael too was not satisfied with the rank of Colonel. Saw himself as being a person of much higher stature. He wanted to be recognized as a "three-star" general, a Lieutenant General officer of formidable rank.

"Hamilton was sentenced to probation and $100 in fines in 2009 after altering his military ID card to represent himself as a three-star general"

Michael is a person with severe character difficulties and needs medication for mental problems?

There seems to be so many of these wannabee military types. NOW, as to MY last TOP SECRET mission during my active military service days. As I have said before, it involves chainsaws, stinging wasps the size of helicopters, an expedient rope bridge, a 1,000 foot deep chasm, and natives firing blow-gun darts. Other than that, I can say no more!


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