Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This is coolbert:

Let me weigh in on a major issue, a case being heard just today before the Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS].

A free-speech issue with a military dimension to it.

The person of Reverend Fred Phelps and his controversial behavior is at question here.

Phelps and the congregation of his church picketing, demonstrating at the funerals of American soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghan. Phelps and his congregation voicing their apparent approval at the death of an American serviceman.

Odious, unwanted, and unwarranted behavior - - an egregious violation of all that is decent.

From a legal standpoint, under CRIMINAL LAW - - constitutionally protected free speech. Phelps and his congregation - - gadflies, nonetheless, behavior, however provocative - - protected.

"gad·fly - – noun, plural -flies. 2. a person [presence unwanted] who persistently annoys or provokes others"

Phelps having lost A CIVIL JUDGMENT for $5 million [the original decision reversed in favor of Phelps], the litigant appealing all the way to the Supreme Court.

This case is a major news item today. And will remain so for some time I would have to think.

Some observations about the Reverend Phelps: [this all needs to be made abundantly clear!!]

* The "church" of Phelps is his home, his abode, his place of residence, and nothing more!

* The "congregation" of Phelps is himself and his immediate family members, and no one else!

I am not even sure if Reverend Phelps is an ordained minister or anything of the sort. He is what is called a "lay preacher" without significant credentials, no divinity degree or graduation from a seminary?

[he is reputed to in his youth to have attended Bob Jones University?]

Reverend Phelps is NOT a "reverend" or is the "pastor" of a "church" or has a "congregation" as those terms are normally, generally, ordinarily, and commonly understood!!

I might even so far as to suggest that Reverend Phelps and his "congregation" are FALSE FLAG! Something is just not right here with this bunch. Creating controversy and stirring up trouble to make OTHERS look bad?

"While false flag operations originate in warfare and government, they also can occur in civilian settings among certain factions, such as businesses, special interest groups, religions, political ideologies and campaigns for office."

We have not heard the last of Phelps and his "congregants", regardless of how the Supreme Court rules! I fear this is so!


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