Friday, October 29, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here with more on the Belgian Shepherd Dog, the Malinois. A favorite of police, the military, and quasi-military organizations such as the French GIGN.

A dog possessing all the ideal qualities - - and having that special combination of characteristics most admirable.

"The Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois) . . . a breed of dog . . . popular [with] police departments"

"The United States Secret Service and Royal Australian Air Force use the breed exclusively."

AND many others besides them!

In particular, a breed, the Malinois, of the exact right size, able to be picked up and carried easily [?] by a man, but also large enough and aggressive enough to function well as an attack dog. Pose a significant threat to an opponent. Picked up and carried by a man in a manner that would not be so easy with a German shepherd dog?

Also a breed of dog that works well in a hot environment. Such as in Israel. The dog of choice by the Israeli military dog handlers, Unit Oketz.

"The Oketz Unit  . . . is the independent canine special forces (sayeret) unit"

"Oketz prefers Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois), over the German Shepherd Dog and Rottweiler, which were employed formerly. The reasons for the choice are twofold: they're the perfect size to be picked up by their handler while still being able to attack an enemy, and their coats are short and general neutral to fair in color, making them less prone to heatstroke."

Soldiers of Unit Oketz wear the red beret of the paratrooper. It is not clear whether the Malinois of Oketz are also air-droppable, parachute capable!


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