Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here with an online blog ["Men in Action!"] of a retired, reportedly, GIGN operative.

[unfortunately this blog seems to have been NOT active for over two years now!!]

GIGN, the French police special operations unit, quasi-military, having a responsibility for:

* Anti-terrorist operations.

* Quelling prison rebellions.

* Hostage negotiations. [hostage rescue if needed!]

Highly trained French gendarmes, special operations type unit of the highest ability, very professional, having at their disposal a wide range of weaponry to include an ATTACK DOG CAPABILITY.

The dog of choice for GIGN operations being:

"The Belgian Shepherd Malinois"

Superior qualities of the Malinois to include: [from an English translation of the GIGN blog]

• "He proved it met all the criteria for intervention of the dog."
• "It is a template, allowing him to sneak into the most inaccessible places."
• "Solid dog, exceptional physical condition, very strong."
• "It must be balanced chooses = osmosis between master and dog mandatory."
• "Nerve impulses inexhaustible, go-getter, a great sensitivity."
• "Gives to his master all he has in the guts, waiting for his master returned the favor."
• "Returned with a dazzling teeth exceptional."
• "Relaxation breathtaking: able to perform jumps of 2.50 m and more."
• "Which is where the obstacle that does not cross?"

Attack dogs that can be included as part of an air assault mission, winch lowered from a helicopter in a harness, attached to the handler, the dog and man in reality as ONE!!

Master and dog "knowing the ropes" here! It is imperative that the dog and handler arrive on the ground as a team! The chopper does not have to land in this case!

Dogs too that can be dropped by parachute if need be? This is not clear. All GIGN "troops" must be parachute qualified [recall that GIGN are police and NOT military!].

Suvorov speaks of Soviet/Russian spetsnaz [special purpose] troops being accompanied by attack dogs of the most ferocious kind. Dogs parachuting to the ground - - precautions being taken to safeguard the landing of the dog!

"They are just as mobile as the men themselves, since they can be dropped by parachute in special soft containers."

The synergistic value of the combined team - - man and dog - - is very great indeed, attack dogs appearing on the scene, especially in an unexpected way, having a shock effect on the adversary that must be profound!


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