Saturday, September 4, 2010

Anzio II.

This is coolbert:

Anzio continuing.

Bad lands!!

Dig this amazing stuff! From even from the times of ancient antiquity, that area where the allied amphibious landing occurred - - Anzio, was considered to be BAD LAND - - not suitable for military operations - - to be avoided at all costs.

That area southeast of Rome, bordering the Pontine marshes, military units were wise to avoid, the ancient Romans even realizing that units imperiled themselves by EVEN CROSSING the area, much less engaging in combat operations!!

"the location had been a strategic nightmare in war. Roman armies marched as quickly as possible across it on the military road, the Via Appia. The marsh [Pontine] is surrounded by impassible mountains . . . Invading armies from the south refused to cross the marsh or to take the only other road to Rome, the Via Latina, running along the flanks of the Monti Laziali, for fear that they would be trapped, as had been a Roman army at the Battle of the Caudine Forks.

"Battle of the Caudine Forks"! Roman army - - 321 B.C. - - entrapped by the Samnites, no manner of egress, NO water - - movement forward or backward impossible - - the Romans surrendering and retiring from the field without casualties OR any combat of any sort being fought!!

"the Battle of Caudine Forks, 321 BC, was a decisive event of the Second Samnite War. Its designation as a battle is a mere historical formality: there was no fighting and there were no casualties. The Romans were trapped in a waterless place by the Samnites before they knew what was happening and nothing remained but to negotiate an unfavorable surrender."

[Caudine Forks is NOT located in the same vicinity as modern Anzio. But the situation as existed over 2200 years earlier was similiar. NO movement forward or backward, bad terrain, waterless or devoid of drinkable water, etc.]

The "bad land" - - vicinity Anzio, unsuitable for military operations, necessitated an expeditious movement off the beachhead - - as quickly as possible. Lucas was aware of this? I doubt it! Such an appreciation of the situation based upon HISTORICAL PRECEDENT WAS MADE AVAILABLE TO LUCAS? I doubt that too!


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