Tuesday, August 24, 2010


This is coolbert:

From a prior blog entry:

"the Kaiser, who could hark back TO NO [my emphasis] Drakes or Nelsons, could never really believe that German ships and sailor could beat the British"

"The moral is to the physical as three is to one" - - Napoleon.

Here also with a quotation by Lieutenant Stephen King-Hall:

"The German seaman had a respect and almost traditional veneration for the British Royal navy, and entered the war with an inferiority complex in striking contrast to the superiority complex which the German Army felt towards all other armies." - - Lieutenant Stephen King-Hall. [as related by King-Hall in the aftermath of Dogger Bank]

And NOW this quote from the famous Field Marshal Mannerheim:

"For a strong adversary (corps) the opposition of twenty-four squadrons and twelve guns ought not to have appeared very serious, but in war the psychological factors are often decisive. An adversary who feels inferior is in reality so." - - Field Marshal Carl Gustav Baron Von Mannerheim, 1953

Mannerheim - - in this particular case, speaking of the Soviet [Red Army] attack upon Finland - - 1940!! For all the size and advantage the Red Army seemed to possess over the Finns, and the outrageous bluster and threat making of Stalin - - the mental wherewithal was LACKING - - and severely so?

The British rightly [??] perceived that the German Navy thought themselves to be inferior - - therefore: "An adversary who feels inferior is in reality so"!

Mannerheim is 100 % correct! If anyone would know, it would be him?


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