Sunday, July 18, 2010


This is coolbert:

Evidence as to why - - the North Koreans have NOT launched a pre-emptive war against the South Koreans and United Nation forces, including American ground, naval, and air forces.

A blitzkrieg style attack of enormous ferocity - - an offensive with the intent to annihilate the South Korean military, the American allies, and UNIFY Korea under communist rule.

And offensive that has not taken place - - because of long-term systemic malnutrition as suffered by the North Korean populace? The folks of the north are just too weak, stunted, physically unfit, unable to carry out and SUSTAIN the blitzkrieg as needed for ultimate victory?

"North Korea's healthcare is a horror, report says"

"the country [North Korea] lacks sterilized needles, clean water and medicine. Patients undergo painful surgery without anesthesia, the human rights group says."

"a population [North Korean] that is chronically malnourished and suffering from digestive problems caused by eating weeds, tree bark, roots, corn husks, cobs and other 'substitute' foods."

"The poor diet also weakens the immune system, making people susceptible to diseases such as tuberculosis, which afflicts at least 5% of the population, according to the report. Meanwhile, about 45% of children under the age of 5 suffer stunted growth because of malnutrition."

A DECADES-LONG shortage of food, resulting in malnourishment and stunted growth, health problems resulting in a population neither fit for military service or when serving, NOT able to perform to the standard needed in the NUMBERS required for a sustained ground offensive to be successful!

Is this so? Is my perception correct? Historians will puzzle as to WHY the North Koreans, prepared as they seem to be for war, just never have attacked. Just plain not having enough to eat and enough of the right stuff to eat is a reasonable explanation?


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