Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here from the Internet Archive - - free to download and keep, to be read at your leisure, a collection of forty nine titles - - invasion literature of the era, circa 1900 primarily!

Alternative history, novelettes, short stories, speculative military science-fiction, etc.

Germany invades and conquers England. Germany at war with America, Japan at war with America, the results unfavorable to the U.S. That sort of thing.

"Imaginary wars and battles"

This particular title I found to especially intriguing. As written by Marsden Manson. Very short story, about thirty-six pages only, you can read in one sitting without breaking a sweat!

"The yellow peril in action, a possible chapter in history; dedicated to the men who train and direct the men behind the guns" - Manson, Marsden, 1850-

China at war with the U.S. - - Japan in league with China, the year is 1909. The teeming hordes of China, organized into armies of prodigious size, supported by the pre-Dreadnought and Dreadnought navy of the Japanese, the Chinese able to besiege and capture American Pacific outposts, Guam, Philippines, Pago Pago [Samoa] and Hawaii. American west coast ports blockaded, no Panama Canal in place for passage of American warships from the Atlantic to Pacific.

Download and read. You will enjoy. And Marsden Manson was both a prolific and prescient writer too. An man that had some pretty good insights. Unfortunately several pertinent pages are missing from the collection [Manson refers to the brochure]. Evidently the destruction of the U.S. Pacific fleet was primarily accomplished by torpedoes fired from submarines and steaming yachts surreptitiously fitted for firing "fish"!

[Manson was a writer totally unknown to me prior to this. A highly educated man, PhD in Engineering, a graduate of the Virginia Military Institute [VMI], and as a public works engineer inextricably linked to the San Francisco as we know it, the city having to have been rebuilt in the aftermath of the Earthquake of 1906!!]



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