Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is coolbert:

From the DEBKAfile. Some startling, troubling, even frightening allegations and speculation regarding the "delivery" of SCUD missiles to the Hezbollah.

Hezbollah, the fighters of which are described as the "best" light infantry in the world., NOW have been trained in the use of SCUD missiles. Preparatory to being "given" SCUD's by the Syrians, for potential usage against Israel.

A significatnt escalation [?] in the Middle East - - inviting hostilities, preemptive action by Israel in response to a perceived threat of alarming proportions!!

1. "Syria has not actually delivered Scud missiles, [SS-1] A or SS-1B, to the Hizballah in Lebanon - only positioned them on the border ready for transit at a moment's notice - and taught two Hizballah brigades how to use them . . . Israel has warned Damascus via Washington that their crossover into Lebanon would bring forth Israeli military action to destroy the missiles and their bases on both sides of the border"

2. "April 23: Syria has smuggled three consignments of disassembled Scud A ground missile components to the Lebanese Hizballah . . . They do not add up to a complete set of parts for an operational Scud missile. However, another five shipments, awaiting handover at Syrian border bases will provide the missing elements for complete weapons."

First - - Syria trains the Hezbollah fighters in the USE of mobile SCUD's, carried by tracked vehicles. Very elusive to find and destroy. Can be hidden until time of use, then brought to a state-of-readiness and fired in quick order. Training ONLY for the missile crews first.

Secondly - - missile parts shipped to Hezbollah. NOT entire assembled SCUD's, but disassembled rockets, not ready for firing.

Well, this all very clever? The Israelis will be hesitant to attack, preemptivley, as the missiles are not assembled, ready to go? Hezbollah will HAVE at their disposal a theatre-level weapon that poses a considerable threat, even sans a warhead of mass destructive power [nuclear, biological, chemical]!

I would think too that Hezbollah has planned this whole business pretty well! Hiding the various missile parts in a large number of caves will mean that a preemptive strike cannot guarantee to get all of the SCUD's. Hezbollah will also be able to claim: "We do not have assembled missile systems for use against Israel at our disposal!!"

That threat by the Israel, to strike on BOTH side of the border, Lebanese and Syrian both, should be taken seriously. Activation and mobile deployment by the Hezbollah of the SCUD's will result in a mini-regional war!


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