Friday, May 14, 2010


This is coolbert:

Thanks here to Joseph Farah and WorldNetDaily for this story.

You know this is going to raise some eyebrows in some quarters. Probably already has. There is something sinister going on here? The cash crop of the Taliban, money obtained from the sale of illegal opium, the poppy plant being decimated by a mysterious disease of unknown and peculiar origin?

"Afghanistan opium poppies hit by mysterious disease"

"Farmers in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand, the source of around 90 percent of the world's opium, agreed the harvest will fall this year"

Kandahar and Helmand of course are the STRONGHOLDS OF THE TALIBAN!!

"a mysterious disease withering poppies in some areas."

"While some farmers have reportedly accused the United States and Britain of spraying their crops with chemicals, the UN's Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) said disease was the likely culprit."

A mysterious disease, as described!!

"Tests by the interior ministry were inconclusive . . . 'plagues, pests, blight' had hit Afghanistan's poppy crop in 2002 and 2006."

"'Natural phenomenon cannot be excluded, as happens to wheat, corn, apples.'"

"plagues, pests, blight"

Sure, and perhaps bio-warfare. Genetically modified plant pathogens designed to remove the poppy crop and consequently opium production? The Taliban, minus their cash crop, willing now to negotiate?

I am being paranoid? Perhaps so!


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